Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Hooters and Bill Clinton (a match made in heaven) October 25 2005

Hi To All,

Welcome to "The Week That Was" an enlightening capture

of the goings on of Toronto Pip and his Trusty

(although sometimes dusty sidekick)Mississauga Juju.

As you may be aware I have had some trouble with

writers block, however I am back with vengeance and

some off you may think that my latest jejune missive

is absolute diatribe garbage. But here it is anyway,

and I don't want negative responses questioning the

banality of its contents only being surpassed by the

egregious form of my writing. Wow what a start. Crikey

some of you may need to get the dictionary out for

this one.

Its been good up here and there has been a bit going

on. We had Bill Clinton come into town, quite frankly

the man looks unwell. It does not change the fact that

he still swoons all the girls and does have the

amazing characteristic that is charisma. He

unfortunately declined my offer of a quick pint and a

cigar in the local as he had other arrangements that

were apparently more important. I may have crossed the

line with the cigar and incest comment, I did not have

sexual relations with my relative, I mean I did not

have a sexual relationship with my, alas it was too

late the damage was done and he was gone.

Gondola (yes I know it's a Venetian boat) Rice or what

ever her name is, is also in town, she has the

enviable job of discussing the North American soft

wood issue (maybe they should have sent Bill to do

this one, he has no trouble with soft wood). Anyway

she disagrees with Canada on this one.

It has got cold here, one thing you can rely on is the

weather man, unlike at home in NZ when they say its

going to happen, 97.5% of the time it does. We are

swinging (not literally) between 3 & 8 degrees and we

have been told to expect some snow this weekend. I am

going to celebrate by having a swim in the lake. I

will have to time this right as it is dark at 6pm and

not light again until 7.30am and I would hate to be

ravaged by a marauding salmon or randy bass.

You know when winter is her, the ads go from jet-skis

to snowmobiles overnight. Invitations read bring

firewood, whisky, bear repellent, rifle, skis,

snowmobile optional.

The trees are red,

The grass is dead,

I wonder where the bears is.

The wind is cold,

The moose are bold,

My wife is old.

I think I'll stick to writing the week that was


We went line dancing and two stepping the other night,

its actually not bad, although the country music does

grind on you. It all went well, but understandably

with all the gay boys in our community there was a

large shortage of females. So the inevitable happened,

I was asked to dance. It was fine as I am at one with

my sexuality, however we had issues as we both

insisted on leading (apparently he is the boy in his

relationship also), it made for some interesting steps

on the dance floor.

Now you are going to have to read my views on the

outcome of NZ's election. Mainly the Auckland

situation which can be seen as an overview of the


Its called "every vote would count"

This election over 90% of us raised off our respective

bums and voted, unfortunately voting in a collective

of bums as well.

But hey that's your right, and if you want a result,

really really want a result then mouthing off at the

dinner party won't cut it.

National pushed hard and did well with the party vote

and very nearly came through. But all through South

Auckland the Maori party were busy enrolling first

time voters with the instruction to vote for the Maori

electorate candidate and give your party vote to

Labour. Nearly Labours down fall. Meantime the Labour

party were very busy working the Islander vote in the

same areas (many Pacificas were hostile to much of

Labours pro gay legislation, I say harden up you guys,

are you forgetting your Fa'a'fafine. But that was

enough for a labour lead coalition. Meanwhile Rodney

Hide mobilised a team of Chinese who got their vote

out and nearly 7000 of the little guys (there taking

over the world you know) and voted for act in Epsom.

The very clear moral here is that Auckland is only the

most ethnically driven city, but not the only one.

Winston gets foreign affairs (god help us), but Not

Trade, (thank god). On the other hand Helen baby will

still write all his scripts so I don't think we'll be

declaring any wars. And it may be that Helen is

getting in a bit of succession planning. Dissent is

not allowed in her presence (your little red books

will be turning up soon). But what happens if Doc

Cullen gets hit by a bus? She knows full well that

most of her caucus couldn't read a bank statement

never mind a balance sheet, as well as the fall out

from the flawed legislation driven by Margaret Wilson

still shows great damage potential.

BUT we have a government with neither Green nor Maori

Party in Cabinet (ye ha), so pass the Pinot Noir and

lets have a drink and plot.

Juju got bored on Sunday and dragged me out into the

cold and decided she wanted to go to "Hooters" for

lunch, Yes Hooters, I can honestly say I had nothing

to do with this, not even planting the seed. We were

served by Tasha a wonderful young lady with great

personal-titty. We watched the games, yes games, there

were five on the go. I must admit I had difficulty


The ice hockey is in full swing and they deserve to

wear pads, they play 2 to 3 times a week and get

smacked up pretty bad.

The American Football is different its an absolute

waste of time. They take two hours to get around 10

Min's of actual ball in play time. Needless to say I

have no interest in this game and have no problem

telling them to harden up and get involved in a real


Well that's all been pretty tame so I better add some

rudeness so that mum will have something to be

embarrassed about. So here goes.

A new friend of mine up here is 58, divorced and has

had the snip (vasectomy for you slow ones). He meet

this fantastic 20 year old and has married her. He

goes to the Doc and says,

"Hey since I saw you last I have a new wife, she is 20

and you won't believe it she is pregnant". "What do

you think about that"?

The doc considers this for a moment.

He begins "I have a friend who is an avid hunter, one

day he goes into the forest and to his absolute

disbelieve he forgot his ammo". "So to not have a

complete shit of a day he decides to do through the

motions anyway". "He sees this huge beaver, a real

trophy one", "so he raises his gun and pretends to

pull the trigger".

"Suddenly two shots rang out and the beaver fell over

dead, WHAT do you think of that"??


" I'd say someone else pumped a couple of rounds into

that beaver"


"My Point exactly".

Cheers for now

Love to all

Toronto Pip.

Next week I talk All Black selections and the Kyoto

protocol, won't that be exciting.

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